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Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Lied

Ok I just got home so I am going to post the answers to the sample exam as they become available


  1. I haven't started working on it. Gonna do it tonight.
    Dante what program should I use to open it? I tried mic.word but the images don't come up. Thanks again

  2. I do, but the images didn't come up

  3. I got it, but still the same. it says quick time and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture
    Are those from the book?

  4. ya but the questions with pictures should have a number at the end of them those are the question numbers

  5. oh I see. maybe they are just nothing.
    they seemed to be pictures related to the questions but guess I was wrong.
    Im sorry.

    Thanks Dante.


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